Creating a registration and starting to use


How do I create my account?

To create an account, go to XXFXIMEXX/register/

> If you register with the email, enter your email address correctly and choose an email address that only you have access to. If you leave and forget your password, you’ll need to access your email to recover your account.

How do I edit my profile?

To edit or add to your profile, visit XXFIXMEXX/profile/

 - Know our terms of use and privacy.  - Get to know our artificial intelligence system.

What if an account is using my email, name or photo?

If you are creating an account and our system says that an account already exists using your email, you can regain access by clicking on “I forgot my password” to request that a new password be sent to your email.

> In case of one of the breaches included in our term of use, be it about duplicity of an account, fake profile, misuse of another person’s image or brand as a profile picture. You can contact directly through the email denuncia@XXFIXMEXX providing your data and registering your complaint.

How do I report a threat or any other breach of the term of use?

If you are a victim of libel, defamation or any other type of threat, you can send a print of the conversation to our complaint channel and we will resolve it as soon as possible.

Our staff will always be willing to review and respond to any complaint.