How to create or participate in conversations?


How do I join a conversation?

On the homepage by clicking on “Experiment” you are redirected to a list of public conversations, this is the same (home page) [/conversations] from when you are registered in our platform.

To start your participation in a conversation, click on “Join Now!” in one of the desired conversations, if it isn’t identified in our system, it will be necessary to create a register or access.

With your active profile on our system, you can join by voting whether to agree, disagree or skip existing comments in a conversation. To know more about our voting system, click here XXFIXMEXX. You can also participate by submitting your opinion within a conversation.

How do I create a conversation?

All the conversations in our environment are organized in a board of similar conversations. This is our semantic way of organizing and grouping existing conversations in your profile and environment. If you don’t have a board conversation, here’s how to create XXFIXMEXX

How do I delete or leave a conversation?

What happens when I do not vote in a conversation?

Public conversations (environmental) / favorite / board-specific conversations

Creating a board (title 50 characters?)